Day Nine – I gotta Do Something Fun (see project overview here)
After spending what I think was way too much time on Docker tutorials, I’m just going to start. Yesterday, I re-read (I hope I read it once at least) the Twitter developer terms of service. Based on that, I think it’s ok to put my app out there. I want to be very careful about giving the ability to just anyone. It ends up costing tons of money to get data. !!!
Today, I found this very informative site. I happen to be looking at the docker page right now, but this site is full of information. There’s so much information in the world. It’s amazing and overwhelming!
Next, I’m just going to jump in and get the site skeleton (Django) going. I’m going to use some info from the fullstackpython site to get a docker container set up. I’m not sure if I need to use my docker container when developing. That seems like overkill, but maybe it’s the last step of testing.
Pluralsight Has Skills Assessments
So, next week: Django—turns out I suck at Django, so I’ll spend quite a bit of time here, Python —according to Pluralsight, I’m proficient, but I want to use best practices with regard to building classes and testing, so I’m going to spend some time brushing up on Python. Then, I’ll probably go ahead with the twitter stuff. Once I have a working site, I’ll work in React. My goal is to use Terraform and docker from the beginning. I will think about Kubernetes once I have a site working.
You’re a Ways Away From Kubernetes (I didn’t know)
On using Terraform and docker from the beginning; I wondered if I should do local development with Docker. I found this article, which makes it seem completely ok and maybe preferable to develop in Docker containers.
But, the lead programmer at a previous contract, used Vagrant to set up development environments. I thought that worked very well, also. I’m going to stick with that for now. It does seem like you could forget to alter your staging and prod containers to match the Vagrant dev environment, so this could be a wrong turn. For now, though, I’m going with it.
So, I’m going to set up a vagrant environment for my Django project prior to starting the Django instruction.